Convegno: "Phlebosophy: offering instruments to create network in phlebology" - 23 e 24 settembre 2016

Venerdì, Settembre 23, 2016
Venezia - Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli

Il Convegno: "Phlebosophy: offering instruments to create network in phlebology", con il patrocinio dell'Omceo Venezia, si svolge nei giorni 23 e 24 Settembre 2016 a Venezia presso il Centro culturale Don Orione Artigianelli.

"Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to PHLEBOSOPHY 2016: Offering instruments to create network in phlebology which will take place in Venice (Italy) on September 23-24, 2016. This event provides all specialists a complete program on the current knowledge and management of venous disease: superficial vein disease, chronic venous obstruction, and deep vein thrombosis.
The unique concept of the symposium is the great interactivity through the discussion of clinical cases with most types of venous pathology on every session and the workshops. Join us for an  unforgettable experience in the vein world."

President: Dimitrios Kontothanassis

In allegato il programma e le istruzioni per l'iscrizione gratuita riservata agli iscritti all'Ordine dei Medici di Venezia

Segreteria OMCeO Ve
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